Daily Phonics sessions starting on Monday

Dear Parents/Carers
We are pleased to let you know that your child can receive a daily phonics lesson whilst schools
are closed. Phonics is the way we teach children to recognise the sounds in words. It helps your
child to learn to read and is an essential part of your child’s education.
During the summer term, you will be able to access for your child a daily phonics lesson by clicking
on Letters and Sounds for home and school. All lessons are introduced by celebrities,
including children’s TV presenters, which adds an exciting addition to the lessons.
There are three sets of daily lessons to choose from and we suggest your child starts with one
set of lessons most suitable to their year group and reading ability. If you’re not sure which
lessons your child should watch or your child finds the lessons too difficult, then your school
should be able to recommend which lessons are the most appropriate for your child.
From Monday 27 April, a new phonics lesson will be uploaded everyday, Monday to Friday, at
the times below during the summer term.
*After upload, each lesson will then be available to
watch at any time during the summer term.
11 am* Learning to blend
For children in Reception and Year 1 who
need extra practice sounding and reading words such as ‘tap’ ‘cap’ ‘mat’ ‘pat’
10 am* Reception Summer term
For children who can confidently blend
and read words such as ‘fish’ ‘chat’ and
10:30 am* Year 1 Summer term
For children who can confidently blend
and read words such as ‘stamp’ ‘chair’
and ‘green’
After watching each lesson, we encourage you to read aloud to your child and, if your child has
reading books from school, listen to your child read. More information about phonics and how to
help your child can be found in our parent/carer video guide. Further guidance on how you can
help your child continue their education at home is available in Help primary school children
continue their education.
The online lessons are designed to follow the phonics programme your child has been learning
at school and are the only online Letters and Sounds lessons approved and funded by the
Department for Education.
As with all online content, parents and carers are advised to supervise their child’s use of the
internet. Further guidance and support on the use of online materials can be accessed from
websites such as https://parentinfo.org/ and https://www.internetmatters.org/
We hope you will find the new phonics lessons useful to support your child’s learning during this
unprecedented time.