KS1 -Friday fun
It’s Friiiiiiiday! Another week has passed and we have seen more amazing work from you all.
Have a look what Nur has been up to:

Amazing Maths work Nur, well done! It looks like you’ve been having fun outside too.
This Sunday 21st June, it will be Father’s day. What will you do to celebrate?
You might like to get creative to make something for your Dad, so have a look at the ideas below:
Fathers-day-colouring-certificates-Editable_ver_1 (1)
Maybe being crafty isn’t your thing. Why not try some of these ideas to help your Daddy have the best Father’s day ever!
- Take him breakfast in bed
- Go for a walk
- Play a game together
- Watch a film (eating treats!)
- Tell him what you love about him
- Thank him for all the things he does for you
- Read him a story
- Put on a show to entertain him
- Have a picnic together – in the park, in the garden, or just on the living room floor!
- Give him a cuddle
We hope that you have a fabulous weekend and we look forward to seeing what things you have made for or done with your Dad.
Love from the Key Stage 1 team x