KS1- Stories and updates

Good morning everyone,
We hope you all enjoyed the VE day celebrations. Please share your experiences if you had a social distancing street party or celebrated with your family.
Thanks to everyone in KS1 who has shared a rainbow picture, please send one if you haven’t had chance yet.
Keep safe and enjoy Mrs Hallatt’s story- could you have a go a reading a story and filming it? I bet your friends would love to see you sharing a story.
Mystery reader- Mrs Shaw- Evie’s Grandma has done a wonderful story video for you all- we miss her and can’t wait to see her again . Thank you so much for sending
this in.
Nikan has made a great video about learning time
Congratulations to Jack B and Logan for their Lexia certificates this week.

Logan Jack Barlow
Look at these fabulous pictures sent by Nikan, Jacob and Catherine. Thank you.
How many animals can you spot on this World map?

Please remember we are notifying parents on a Monday – but still adding things every day to the webpage so please don’t forget to check.