LKS2 Newsletter 1/4/21

Good afternoon, and happy holidays! I’m sure you will agree this half term has flown by, and we are so proud of the continuing hard work and resilient attitude of all of our pupils. We hope you are looking forward to a well – earned rest!

This week started with a fantastic morning of learning to conclude our work on Iron Age Britain and Boudicca’s rebellion against the Romans. We learnt all about the Battle of Watling Street – a pivotal moment in British History. We researched the two armies involved, compared them and learnt about the tactics used by both leaders in the battle. Afterwards, we re-created the types of weapons they had, then acted out the battle on the field, re-enacting the events of Watling Street nearly 2,000 years after the battle took place.

On Monday afternoon, all classes enjoyed a competitive egg and spoon race! In their colour teams, the children completed a short obstacle course whilst balancing their egg and trying not to smash it! It was lovely to see the encouragement and team work that was on display.

On Tuesday afternoon, we learned about Iron Age jewellery. We learned that the main types of jewellery worn by people in the Iron Age was brooches, bracelets and torcs. Jewellery was often made by twisting together pieces of metal and decorated with swirls and patterns. We recreated this using clay.


In maths this week, the Y4s have been learning about hundredths and tenths, and using a hundred square to represent different values. This has helped them understand the relationship between fractions and decimals, and we can now convert tenths and hundredths between words, fractions and decimals.

Year 4 swimming

 We are really pleased that after Easter, Y4s will finally be able to go swimming! We sent a letter home with all Y4 pupils this week, thank you to those of you who have signed and returned the attached form. If you have not done so, please make sure this is brought back on the first day back to make sure your child doesn’t miss out on the first swimming session! 


Thank you again for your support through what continues to be a strange time for everybody! We hope you have a very happy and safe Easter. 

The LKS2 team 🙂

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500