LKS2 – Newsletter – 12.3.21

What a lovely first week back LKS2 have had. It has been great to see everyone back in person and we have all enjoyed hearing about each other’s time away from school! 

We have been easing ourselves back into learning this week by focusing on the basics and everyone has worked so hard.

In English this week, we have been recapping many of the year 2 and year 3 key skills. To end the week, we all created our own description about a character from our topic text using all of our key skills knowledge and have created some wonderful pieces of work. 

In maths, Miss Boyd’s group have been working hard to remember the basics we learnt at the start of the year and then using these to answer harder, more complicated questions involving rounding, comparing and ordering. We have been understanding the value of each digit in a four digit number, using place value counters to aid us and then answering reasoning, problem solving and open ended questions to challenge ourselves. 


This week in maths Class 6 have been learning the 3x table. We have played bingo, games and completed number sequences which either increased or decreased in multiples of three. Next week, we are going to use our knowledge of the three times table to solve more complex problems involving money and open ended investigations.

This week, Miss Evans’ group have been working on adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and 100. We used our knowledge of number bonds (e.g. 4+6=10) to help with calculations with bigger numbers (e.g.40+60=100). 

Across this morning, LKS2 braved the cold, wind and rain to play some games! First, Mr Gamble taught the children two Forest School games which relied on good communication, teamwork and listening skills. Then, it was over to the children. In groups, they created their own Forest School games with rules, winners and, the most important factor, FUN! Despite the weather, we all had a great time!

In PE this week, we all took turns to take part in some team building games! Miss Evans’ class split into colour teams and did some relay races. Then they had to complete the ‘human knot’ challenge- untangling themselves without letting go of hands!  Miss Boyd’s class split into two groups to play some fun warm up games then worked on their throwing skills to score points for their teams. Mr Gambles group also played many team building games. There were some excellent communication and teamwork skills displayed throughout.

We have completed two science lessons this week and have learnt all about our new topic; Animals including Humans. We focused on diet and nutrition of various animals and humans. We created our own meal using the Eatwell Plate, picking different foods to create a healthy, balanced meal. Then, in our second lesson, we researched in groups all about three animals (a herbivore, a carnivore and an omnivore) and their diets. 

Important notices:

Every child MUST bring in two pairs of shoes on Monday next week. Children will be using the field for break and lunch times therefore will need a pair of outdoor shoes and a pair of indoor shoes. Their outdoor shoes can be left in a plastic bag in school for the week and will be taken home on Friday. 

Enjoy your weekends!

The LKS2 Team.


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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500