LKS2 – Newsletter – 18/10/19

Year 3 had a lovely time on Monday at Golden Acre Park and Breary Marsh. Pupils took part in lots of activities which included sketching maps and identifying human and physical features of a local area (geography), recording and presenting data (maths), investigating animal habitats and identifying animals (science) and playing and creating their own woodland games (Forest Schools).

Whilst the year 3’s went on the Golden Acre Park trip, the year 4’s got up to a lot of fun! As a class, we looked at the history of Golden Acre Park and how it used to be an amusement park. We compared before and after photos from when it first opened and discussed all of the changes that have happened through the years as it has turned into a nature reserve. In groups, we then had to either research all about the park and create our own poster or PowerPoint

On Tuesday, Miss Briscoe’s maths group traveled to Hogwarts and completed various activities that introduced reading scales. In Professor Snape’s potion class we began to investigate capacity, measuring different volumes of ingredients to create our own potions. We then weighed all the different items in Flourish & Blotts, measuring mass from a variety of scales and discussing how we work out intervals. 

Luckily the rain stopped on Wednesday and Year 3 were able too have another brilliant PE lesson outside! We practised some of the skills we have been working on over the last few weeks, including weaving in and out of each other. Then, in groups of 6, we were given 4 cones and one football. We were challenged with creating a 3 v 3 game, which needed to include passing of the ball and scoring. We talked about all the different ways of passing a ball; bouncing, throwing, rolling, kicking…..Once we had practised and created our games we presented them to each other and did a demonstration. The creativity and thought which has gone into the games was fantastic

In English this week, we have been exploring the characters feelings and thoughts in our topic text (Animals of Farthing Wood), the children really enjoyed becoming a character and taking to ‘The Hot Seat’ to expand on each animals story so far.  We then used drama as a tool to create our predictions of what may happen next in the story, the children showcased their imaginative ideas and really enjoyed performing to the other groups. 


Lower Key Stage Two Team 


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