KS1 – Newletter – 17.1.20

We’ve had a fantastic week, filled with Space activities and lots of excitement!

On Tuesday, we had a full Space themed day. We all set off on a rocket on the playground first thing and enjoyed role play activities of heading into space. Over the course of the day, we experimented with moon sand, made rockets, researched about space and the space station using books and search engines and wrote our own applications for NASA. We also had activities for team building, doing a water challenge and various communication tasks using blocks, bean bags, pegs and cones.

On Friday, we had the amazing Planetarium in school from Liverpool University. It was exciting to watch how shooting stars move and to be able to gaze at the stars and planets and learn more about them.

In Geography this week we have continued learning about aerial views and have all been making aerial maps of our classrooms. We worked with partners to put the furniture onto our map and to make a simple key to show what they were.

In Science, we have been investigating lots of different objects and their properties. We were deciding if they were rough, smooth, transparent, flexible, magnetic etc.. We then used 3D Venn diagrams to group the materials by their properties.

In Computing, we have been using algorithms to program the Bee Bot to travel across the Space grid to see which star they would arrive at.

In English Year 2 have been writing stories about when the alien crash landed in the school garden. Thinking about who he might meet and how he was treated. Year One have been focusing on Role play and oracy work around our space theme and doing phoneme finder work.

Year 2 have taken on the challenge of working on multiplication in Maths. They have been learning how to draw arrays, bar models and how to link the multiplication to repeated addition. Year 1 are working on their addition skills.

We are also continuing with our Leeds Rhinos Rugby coaching each Wednesday (Year 1) and Thursday (Year 2). Please make sure that your child has appropriate indoor and outdoor PE, including footwear. Thank you.

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