KS1 – Newsletter – 19.3.21

We hope that you enjoyed Mother’s day and the cards your children made for you.

It has been a fantastic week in Key Stage 1, learning all about The Great Fire of London for our History topic.

In our year groups, we spent time up around the fire pit watching the fire. Listening to the cracks and snapping of the wood, smelling the smoke and thinking about what it would have been like in London when the fire was burning.

Sometimes, we may add in these special extra sessions for forest schools and they may not appear on the main school calendar. We will always try to ensure that you are aware of them beforehand. Please check your settings on the app to ensure you have the right categories selected to get all the information. Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in outdoor shoes and boots, this has been really helpful.

Year one have been reading the book ‘Vlad and the great fire of London’. After reading each stage of the book, they stopped to predict what they thought would happen next. They had great fun making bread – like in Pudding Lane bakery and smelling how delicious it was. They made rats out of socks to go with the book and then ordered pictures and sentences to show what they did first, next, then and finally.

Year two have been writing about what they already know about The Great Fire of London and thinking about what they would like to know. They wrote a diary entry as though they were Thomas Farriner lying in bed worrying about what might happen if the oven wasn’t completely out and the repercussions of that.

In Maths Year one have continued with number bonds and using their knowledge of these to write fact families. Year two have been consolidating their knowledge of how to add and subtract two 2 digit numbers using borrowing and exchanging.

In Science, our focus has been on the Seasons. Thinking about what things happen in each season, what the weather is like and what clothes we would wear. We have been classifying a variety of things for each Season as a group and recording that independently.

In RE Year two have been finishing their topic of how we welcome babies. We learned about The Aqiqah in the Muslim faith and Christenings in the Christian faith. We noticed lots of similarities about how these faiths welcomed babies. However, we also looked at key differences and important aspects from each of the celebrations and discussed why these were important.

In forest schools, we were working on our Geographical knowledge of the British isles. The children used natural materials to make the outline and had to explain to the teachers where England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales would be. Have a look at the fun we have had this week:


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