EYFS – Newsletter – 26/03/2021

We have had another brilliant week in Reception!

In phonics we have learnt the sounds ‘j’ and ‘v’ and practised our letter formation which has impressed all of the staff in class. Keep it up superstars! In maths we have looked at the days of the week and also comparing the lengths of different objects. We also done some gardening this week and planted our own beans. The children chose where their bean should live and have checked on them every day to see if they need water. Many of the beans have been named, told stories and sung songs to ensure they are happy! These plants will be coming home with the children next Thursday so they can look after and watch them over the Easter holidays. The children are really enjoying having something to be responsible for and are looking forward to documenting what happens as they start to grow.

On Wednesday we enjoyed our first forest schools session in a while and the children had a super day working outside to retell stories, compare sticks and climb on the tree house.

On Monday next week we are having an Easter Relay – Team Colour Competition! Reception will be competing in a relay race on the field within their teams to try and earn team points and be the overall team winners of the Easter relay competition! Because of this, children should wear PE kits on Monday for the event. 

Next week it is PE on Tuesday.

Wellies will not be needed next week as we will be on the playground at lunchtime not the field.

Next week is the last week of the Spring term and Thursday is the last day in school before the Easter Holidays!

Have a lovely weekend!


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