LKS2 – Class 5 – Great Science Share

Class 5 had a fantastic time taking part in the Great Science Share! We started the lesson by learning all about pollution. We discussed the 3 main types of pollution – air pollution, land pollution and water pollution – and the harmful affects these can have on living things. We then set up an experiment to explore our big question: How does pollution enter food chains? We mixed together different food dyes in water, representing different types of pollution. Then we placed a celery stick in the water and left it for a few hours.  We used magnifying glasses to make observations about the way the celery had taken up the pollution, and wrote down our findings using scientific vocabulary. We found that it had travelled above the water level, and by cutting inside the celery we could see it had been transported through small tubes up the stem! We finished the day by discussing how we can reduce pollution, and making our own personal pledges about how we will help the environment.

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