Newsletter – Key Stage one – 18.6.21

It has been a very hot and busy week in Key stage 1 this week!

We began our week with a fantastic forest schools session. In Year 2 our Mindmate lesson focused on not giving up and looking at what are strengths are and what we need to work on. We then used what we had learnt to put it into practise during forest schools. We did lots of different activities that helped us to work on our team building and resilience.

On Tuesday afternoon, the whole school focused on Science for the Big Science share. Each classroom thought of their own focus around sustainability. Watch out next week for a post revealing exactly what each class explored and found out!

After reading ‘The train that lost it’s way’ from Enid Blyton’s Summertime stories, Year 2 have been writing their own version of the story. They chose where the toys would travel to and what would happen to them along the way, practising their use of expanded noun phrases.

Class 1 have used ‘Healthy eating week’ as the focus of their English for this week. They did some bling taste testing of different fruits and voted on which were their favourites. They thought about different ways to describe their fruits eg crunchy, juicy and sweet and wrote about their preferences.

Each class has been completing a healthy tracker. We thought about the fruit and vegetables we have eaten each day, how many drinks we have had and how much exercise we have had.

Class 2 have been reading the book ‘Dear Green peace’. They have used this as a stimulus to write their own letters to Greenpeace. They described an animal that they have seen in their garden and have been asking questions about it.

In Maths Class 1’s focus has been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s in a variety of ways. Class 2 have been learning their multiplication and division skills. Class 3 have been focusing on time and being able to read a clock to the nearest 5 minutes. Class 4 have been learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

In Computing all the classes have begun a new topic on animation. The children are learning a variety of skills that they will need. They have been sequencing pictures in order, creating a flip book and beginning to create their own animation on Purplemash using 2Animate.

We had a great time again using our ‘Press Play’ headphones. Year 1 were listening to stories about the Seaside and Year 2 were reinforcing their knowledge of the countries that make up the United Kingdom, Their capital cities and symbols for these countries.

Please remember that it is PPA day on Tuesday next week. Please send your child in their PE kit. Thank you!



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