Year 6 – Ralph Thoresby High School Open Day

This morning we had a visit from Mr Carr, the headteacher of Ralph Thoresby High School. All Year 6 pupils gathered round the firepit in the garden as Mr Carr informed them of all the exciting things they have to look forward to if they choose to attend there next year. Every child was also given an envelope with details about the upcoming Open Day on Saturday 25th September. Linked below are the documents included in the envelope. Please note that the day is running slightly differently this year and you will be required to book a time slot. If you have any questions about the day or about RTHS, please contact them directly.

Ralph Thoresby Y6 Open Day 2021 – Letter

Ralph Thoresby Open Day 2021 Invite


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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500