LKS2 – Year 3 – National Forest School Day!

Happy National Forest School Day! The Y3s have celebrated by having a whole morning of Forest School activities! We started out by discussing risk management and the children used sticks to set their own boundary on the field. Then, within the boundary, we played a giant game of ‘What’s The Time Mr Wolf’! Then came our first challenge: the children took a conker and had to work in groups to make it the highest, furthest or fastest conker. They could not move the conker themselves but had to use string, rope, plant pots and natural resources to complete the challenge. Some children built catapults, others used plant pots to balance the conker on a branch. It was a tricky task but the problem solving skills and resilience demonstrated was fantastic. After break, we talked some more about National Forest School Day and what the main values of Forest School are. Children came up with teamwork, resilience and fun – among other things. Then using these values and ideas, in small groups the children designed their own Forest School badge. They had to use natural resources to build their badge on to a piece of material. Overall, it was a really wonderful morning of celebrating the key values of Forest School. 

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