KS1 – Newletter – 22.10.21

Here we are at the end of our first half term! We know that the children (and staff) are all ready for a well-earned break and hope that you have some fun planned for next week.

Our final week of this half term kicked off with our talent show on Monday. The children were really brave to stand up infront of others to perform a whole variety of acts from singing and dancing, to sporting and comedy acts. We are really proud of all the children and hope you are too after watching them on the video on line.

In English this week, Year one have been reading ‘What’s in the Witches Kitchen’. They used this as inspiration for making their own potion, sorting phonemes and finding and writing rhyming words. In Year 2 we have been focusing on phonics. Looking in different words to spot the digraphs and thinking about which are real and alien words.

The children have all been sent home with a list of Common Exception Words that they are expected to know by the end of the year. They need to be able to read and write all of these words independently. Any help you can give you child to practise these would really be beneficial for them. Please also keep listening to your child read at least three times and remember to sign their reading record book and send it back into school with the reading book.

In Maths, year 1 have continued their topic on comparing and ordering numbers. Some groups in year 2 have also been doing this and some have been looking at fact families to begin addition and subtraction.

In Computing, we have continued out topic on e safety. We are helping the children to understand about not responding to any messages sent from someone they don’t know and not to click on any pop ups. Our key learning point from this week’s session, is to always tell a grown up that they trust if something comes up on a computer that they did not like or were not expecting.

As part of black history month, we also learned about Rosa Parks. Who she was and what she stood up for. Year 2 used their fantastic acting skills to tell her story.

Key Dates:

1.11.21-Return to school (Week 1)

5.11.21- Bonfire afternoon – Forest School clothes needed

16.11.21-Parent phone consultations (Details to follow)

18.11.21-Year One -Trip to Chevin-Forest school clothes needed

25.11.21-Year Two-Trip to Chevin-Forest Schools clothes needed

8.12.21-Christmas Production- am and pm

17.12.21-Break up



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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
