LKS2 – Year 3 – Forest School

There was a change of plan for the Y3s today, as due to unforeseen circumstances we were no longer able to go to Breary Marsh. However, some of the key skills of Forest School are to be adaptive and resilient, and the Year 3s certainly were, enabling us to still have a fantastic morning! We went on to the field and started the morning by playing the game ‘This is not a stick’. The children came up with lots of creative ideas for what the stick could be – for example, a witches broomstick, a wand, a spear….Then we split into groups of 4 and built a den! We had to use natural resources as well as ropes and tarp to create a stable shelter. There was some brilliant teamwork and resourcefulness on display which resulted in some great dens! 

After break, we walked around the field in small groups and discussed what kind of animals could live in the bushes and trees. Then we chose an animal and had to create it using natural resources. There was a mix of 3d animals, 2d animals, and some drawn in the soil. Overall, despite the change of plans, it was a wonderful morning full of creativity!

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