KS1 – Newsletter – 17.12.21

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! We have finally made it to the end of term and we hope that you are all geared up and excited for the break ahead.

Of course, it has been another fun filled week in Key Stage One, with lots of Christmas activities, making cards and crazy times with our elves. The Christmas dinner on Thursday was a big hit, but naturally the highlight was the opportunity to meet with Santa.

For English in Year 1, the children have been making salt dough decorations and writing instructions for how to make them. They have also been doing lots of Christmassy phonics. In  2, the children have been planning and writing letters to Santa. They have been thinking about what gifts they would like to receive and all the good things they have been doing to show they deserve them!

In Maths we have all begun to look at shape. We have been identifying, naming and looking at the properties of shapes. Year 2 have also been doing a collection of problems covering the various things they have been learning this half term and going through them together thinking about the best methods they could use to tackle them.

In Music the children were making Christmas flap books, helping them with identifying and naming musical instruments. They were all full of the song ‘Peas pudding hot’ and enjoyed showing everyone the clapping rhythm to accompany it.

In RE, both year groups were retelling the story of the nativity. Year one ordered pictures of the story and wrote a sentence or two about something that happened in the story. Year two were focusing on how different characters in the story welcomed baby Jesus, by announcing his birth, going to visit him and the presents they took for him.

Key Dates:

17.12.21 – Break up

4.1.22 – Return to school

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