UKS2 – Forest School – Spring Term

Over the course of this term, UKS2 will be visiting Golden Acre Park to complete a range of Forest School activities, including bird watching! In order to visit the park, we will be using the school minibus – the majority of you have given this permission previously. If we don’t have permission for your child to use the minibus, we will contact you sperately to this notification.

In addition, we will be completing a range of other tasks in school that link to bird watching and this will also include creating our very own bird boxes. For this, we will need cardboard boxes varying in sizes but no bigger than a shoe/cereal box. Please can you bring boxes in as soon as possible for this.

We have planned the trips to take place on the following dates for each class; however, these may change due to staffing given the current situation. We will ensure all classes visit over the course of the Spring term. The proposed dates are:

10.01.2022 – Class 10

24.01.2022 – Class 9

07.02.2022 – Class 8

These sessions are all on Forest School days so please ensure your children come in warm, waterproof clothing and bring a spare pair of shoes. They will not stay at Golden Acre Park for lunch so their lunchtime arrangements are unaffected. If you have any binoculars and/or bird identification books that you would like to send with your child on their visit, that would be great!


UKS2 Team

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500