KS1 – Newsletter – 7.1.22

Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope that you have all had a great break and a well deserved rest.

We have been straight back into things in Key Stage one as we began out topic on Space. It all started on Tuesday morning, where we experienced our rocket launch to the moon from the playground. We put on our space suits, buckled up and did a big count down to blast us off to the moon. We were given a space mission, to explore the moon’s surface for craters and to see if there was any life there before heading back down to Earth!

We used our experience of our Moon Adventure, to write about what we did, what we saw and how we felt in our English lessons. Year 2 had a specific focus of writing rhetorical questions and exclamatory sentences. They also completed a Reading Comprehension about the first people and animals who went to space. Year One have been creating and writing lists of things that they would pack if they were going to the moon.

In Maths, Year One have been recapping words for addition and thinking about what they could use to help them add. They have then been using numberlines to help them solve addition problems. In Year Two they have been continuing with mixed addition and subtraction problems. They have investigated missing numbers in number sentences and have been using the inverse to find missing numbers and to check their answers.

Our topic for Science this term is all about every day materials. We have begun our topic by listing as many materials as we could think of. We then did a hunt around our classroom and surrounding areas to see what materials we could find. We noticed that in school, we have lots of things made out wood and plastic, but there are not many things made out of glass. Why not have a look together at home to see how many different materials you can spot and what they are used for.

In Computing, we are starting to look at positional language. We had lots of fun playing Simon says games and listening carefully to instructions to turn our bodies left and right and moving forwards and backwards. This is getting them ready for when they begin to program the Beebots.

In PHSE, we were talking about our hopes and dreams for the new year and sharing our ideas with our friends.

If you have any empty and clean plastic bottles, please send them in so that we can use them to make rockets. Thank you.

Please remember, although we have no formal, compulsory homework, we have the optional homework grid. We would love your child to be reading at least 3 times a week and they could be practising reading and writing the common exception words. Any support you can give your children at home, supports their learning in school and we really appreciate it.

Homework grid-Spring 2-2022



Key Dates:

18.2.22 – Break up

w/b 10.2.22 – week 1 PPA. PE Kits to be worn on Tuesday please

28.2.22 – Return to school


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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
