UKS2 – Newsletter – 14.01.2022

It has been a great week in UKS2. On Monday, we had our cross-curricular day. Class 10 went to Golden Acre Park to continue our new Forest School topic of bird watching. The groups were brilliantly behaved and their quiet conscientious walking allowed them to see a plethora of different birds and wildlife. 

Back at school Class 8 and 9 completed a carousel of cross-curricular activities, including: Forest School art, where the children were tasked with sketching garden birds, to be developed into a water colour piece: Now > Press > Play: and a geography reading activity comparing the two largest countries in the world. Canada and Russia. 

On Tuesday Class 8 completed a science book judging contest. Every year at Cookridge we enter the Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize. We are given 6 books about science and asked to judge them in several categories, including: ease of reading, interest, look and feel and inspiration. This year, Class 8 have judge six beautiful books, ranging in topic from astrophysics to environmental science. We will submit our results to the Royal Society this Friday, and look forward to playing our part again next year. 

On Wednesday, Class 8 and 10 began designing their own French city (ville). After learning the names of family members using a matching activity, the children had to decide whether to include them in their map design. 

In RE Class 9 were introduced to the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. The children watched a series of videos to learn the story. This generated some very interesting questions to further explore the story.

Then, the children used sequence cards to help them order the events of the story. They worked as a team in their table groups to order the significant events in Holy Week.

Finally, our learnatics this week were: Adam and Isabella (Class 8), Nisha and  Jake (Class 9) and Michael and Mikele (Class 10). Keep up the amazing hard work! Ooh Ahh You’re a star!!

It is PPA day on Monday, so the children must come in their outdoor PE kit. Have a brilliant weekend.

The UKS2 team. 


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