KS1 – Newsletter – 4.2.22

Key Stage One are amazing! Your children have all been fabulous this week and worked really hard.

In English, Year 1 have been doing some presentation poetry. They have been working in groups to learn and practise a poem, adding in actions and expression and then performed it for the class. They have also been focusing on rhyming words, looking at which part of the word rhymes and finding words that go together to make rhymes. In Year 2, the children have been focusing on Tim Peake’s achievements and using this to plan, write, edit and publish a non-chronological report about him. They have also been focusing on their grammar goal of using contractions and trying to use these within their report.

In year 1 this week, they have continued practising their subtraction skills. They have been looking at the difference between two numbers and counting back using a numberline.In Year 2, one group have been looking at groups of and introducing the multiplication sign. They have been drawing and matching arrays, writing the matching multiplication sentence and repeated addition.

We all enjoyed using ‘Now press play’ in Science this week. It was teaching about every day materials and had us all moving around the classroom searching for a variety of materials and particular properties.

In PSHE, Year one were learning about medicines; knowing that some medicines will help us to feel better, some could make us poorly, especially if they were not meant for us. In Year 2, their focus was on leadership and team work. They were thinking about what skills were needed for both and completed a couple of activities to practise the skills.

The Beebots were out again for computing this week. After learning how to program the Beebots last time, this time we began to think about writing our own instructions to direct the Beebot. We worked in groups to get the Beebot from the start to different numbers on our space map. We then had to cut out the instruction buttons and stick them in the correct order to show what we needed to press to form the correct alogorithm to get us to each number.

Key Dates:

10.2.22 – Year 1 trip to Otley Chevin – Please send your child with warm forest schools clothes and a change of footwear for indoors

18.2.22 – Break up

28.2.22 – TRAINING DAY

1.3.22 – Return to school

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
