UKS2 – Newsletter – 06.05.22

This week, Miss Barnicoat’s maths class have been solving problems using fraction, percentage and decimal equivalents. Using Base 10 to support their learning, the children have been completing addition and subtraction problems, then converting between the equivalents. They have also employed a range of techniques to enhance their understanding, including: equivalence walls, diagrams and White Rose Maths tools. 

Also this week, Year 5 have been plotting key events in WWII on their own creative timelines. Focusing on occurrences during the war years, the children were challenged to order the events chronologically, and place them on their own timeline. There were some excellent designs created, well done!

Finally, our learnatics this week are: Charlie and Sam (Class 8), Millie-Mae and Max S (Class 9) and the whole of Year 6 for their continued effort and commitment in the build up to SATs – well done!

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