UKS2 – Newsletter – 17.06.22

It has been a very busy week in UKS2 this week!

On Monday, in Forest School, the children were challenged to create a piece of artwork that represented them. They were able use anything they could find, and were supplied with paint, wool and pens to help decorate their pieces. Along with this, the children were encouraged to incorporate their Forest School skills, including: whittling, sawing, hammering, lashing, weaving and drilling. The children used the tools very responsibly, and created some excellent pieces of art. Well done everyone. 

Also this week, our first group of Year 6 have completed their visits to the law firm “DWF”. It has been a fantastic experience and the children have developed their teamwork, communication skills and self-belief. Each morning they have joined the commuters on the train, giving them a deeper understanding of what the world of work is like.

Without giving too much away before our second group visit, here is a flavour of what we got up to:

During the first session, the children learnt about DWF, the law industry and had a tour of the office. Then, they considered what job they would like to do in the future and discussed the skills they would need for each occupation.

Then, during the second session, the children reflected on the importance of body language and how communication can be most effective.

During the final session, the children put all their learning to the test and had a mock-debate. The teams worked together to defend their ideas and passionately defend their viewpoint in-front of a visiting ‘judge’.

On Wednesday, we travelled to Rothwell Primary School to compete in a football tournament against seven other local primary schools.

Jake, Joseph, Archie, Jay, Emre, Yaseen, Elsie and Mikele played fantastically and represented our school to the highest standard.

During our first and second match, our strikers (Archie and Jay) had some good shots on target but were sadly did not manage to score. The whole team worked collaboratively to pass effectively and maintain a positive attitude.

During our third match, with Mr Kerhsaw’s expert coaching, within the first 2 minutes we had scored twice! The team worked tirelessly to upkeep this outstanding start. Though we conceded two goals, the team demonstrated outstanding resilience to win 3-2!

Though our team didn’t advance beyond the group stages, each child played their best and enjoyed playing together as a team. Well done to each player!


Yesterday, UKS2 were fortunate to have the experience of travelling to Eden Camp in North Yorkshire. A former WWII POW camp, it is now a museum dedicated to the events of WWII, WWI and modern conflicts. The children were given the opportunity to travel around the museum, exploring vehicles, shelters and interactive exhibits that allowed them to jump into the life of people in WWII. The children behaved in an exemplary manner, and were a credit to Cookridge. Try and ask them a question about their favourite part! 

Finally, our learnatics for this week are: William and Kate (Class 8), Yaseen and Adam (Class 9) and Olivia and Emre (Class 10). Well done to you all. You are amazing! Ooh, ahh, you’re a star!

Enjoy the weekend and we will see you on Monday for PPA day. 

UKS2 Team

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