
We have had a fantastic week in KS1, the week started off with our trip to Cannon Hall Farm. The children loved the day and we were very proud of how they represented Cookridge Primary.

Both year groups have written excellent recounts of their trip to Cannon Hall, they used so much detail and we were very proud of the standard of their writing.

In Maths Class One have worked on a range of place value challenges, Class Two focused on fractions using a range of items to half and quarter. Please ask your children about fractions when cutting pizza, cakes etc at home.

Class 3 have worked on capacity and volume- they have loved investigating a range of challenges.

Class 4 have looked at a range of statistic challenges, the children have really developed their confidence in explaining their answers.

In PE-they have been working on Sports day practice activities.

Music- Carnival of the animals and Mrs Durrant treated the children playing her flute and clarinet. The children worked on Rhythm notation using Lego blocks.

Art was also a great success this week focusing on African artists from Nigeria.

We would like to thank Miss Inesone and Mr Milsom who have been working in Class 4 and Class 1 since Christmas. They have been a fantastic addition to our team and we will miss them very much. We wish them well on their future adventures.

Key dates for this term


20th- Forest Schools

21st -Year One- Reading event in garden

24th – PE kit needed for all classes


4th July-Forest schools

5th-Year 2 -Reading event in garden

7th-Yr 2 Skipping festival

13th- KS1 Big Swing details to follow

21st July- Break up for summer term



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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
