LKS2 – Topic – Roman Banquet

LKS2 took part in creating their own Roman Banquet. We started by discovering and sorting all of the different types of food that the Romans ate. It was amazing to discover that they used to cook seafood stuffed cow udders, roasted Dormice, boiled flamingo tongues and roasted peacock…thankfully they didn’t make it on to our menu. We then prepared the dishes and set up the Roman banquet that was fit for a King…or Mrs Hunter and Mr Maldanado. 

We served a delicious starter of salad with a red wine vinegar dressing that was accompanied by home made Rosemary and salt bread sticks. The main was a Roman beef stew that was made using the most popular vegetables from the Roman times. The banquet was finished with fantastic “Apple Roses” that were carefully crafted by the children.

What a morning!

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