End of day procedure
As a school we have spent weeks organising the dropping off and picking up of your children. This morning parents turned up and followed our guidance beautifully and the drop off procedure worked like a dream. Thank you for this. Straight afterwards we started discussing the potential of shortening the time between groups being drop off and picked up in order to help support you and keep the children safe:
However, at the end of today it was quite apparent that some parents were not following the guidance by sticking to their group’s timings causing congestion outside the main gates and breaching of social distancing (Thank you to the vast majority who did only approach the gates when it was their turn).
These are the groupings:

This meant that lots of parents from the correct groups could not get to their children slowing the whole process down. We would love to shorten the the whole going home process but can only do this with everyone’s cooporation and the strict following of our guidance. Guidance from the government has suggested that adults are more likely to transmit Coronavirus thus the reason for the staggard start to the day reducing the amount of adults congregating in a small space. So, we politely asked that if you turn up early for the end of the day please DO NOT wait directly outside the gates but reamain in your cars or at a distance from the school that would not interfer with another group waiting to pick up their children and only approach the school gates when it is your turn to pick up your children. We have also noticed the great reduction of parents wearing masks that we saw on the first day.
We have always said we are a partnership in keeping your child safe and believe that the guidance we have produced works, as was proven by the outcome achieved this morning at drop off. We now ask you to fulfil your part of the partnership and strictly follow our guidance. If we don’t achieve this and we do end up having a case of coronavirus it will be everyone who suffers when all or part of the school is closed.
Once again, a big thank you to all those who have cooperated with our guidance. It is much appreciated.
Cookridge Team