EYFS – Newsletter – 01.12.23

We have been feeling festive in Reception this week! We even helped decorate the tree!

In phonics we have been focusing on our ‘f’ and ‘l’ sounds. We practiced our actions for each, waving our fairy wand for ‘f’ and licking a lollipop for ‘l’. We matched labels to pictures and filled in missing letters at the beginning of words. We also practiced two of our tricky words this week ‘to’ and ‘the’, we can’t sound out these words so we spent time remembering them by using them in sentences. Next week we will be focussing on two new diagraphs, ‘ff’ and ‘ll’.

In maths we looked at our number bonds to five. We used number cards to match our number bonds into pairs and we practiced writing them on sheets. We also built towers in maths to practice our understanding of ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ following the instructions and adding or removing the bricks. 

On Thursday, we had forest school. We hope you enjoyed the photos from this released yesterday! As mentioned on the previous post, the children collected loose parts to use to make frozen hanging decorations. They froze overnight and look super now hung on the trees in the playground.

As we mentioned, we have been looking at Christmas around the world in topic. Children have learned about Christmas in Australia and were very keen on the idea of a Christmas with hot weather and a barbeque. As well as Australia, we learned about Christmas in France involving learning the different traditions and even saying ‘Merry Christmas’ in French ‘joyeux noël’. We compared the traditions of these countries to things we do to celebrate Christmas and it was interesting to hear how our friends in the class also celebrated differently to us too! 

We’re also looking at how special places differ between countries and cultures and as part of this made stained glass windows! You might have seen them in our window at pick up and drop off time!

We continued to help Santa out in our DT workshop making robots to lighten his work-load but we also made our Christmas tree decorations to be sold at the Christmas Fair. We hope you like them and would like to thank you for all your kind donations which help the fair go ahead.

On Friday we had special delivery from Santa, a Christmas elf! Santa had written us a letter and asked us to name his elf to give it it’s magic. After a very tight vote, the children named the elf Teddy.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend and keep warm!

Dates for the diary:

Friday 15th December – Reception/UKS2 Christmas Performance, 9:30am and 2:30 pm (see website for tickets!)

Tuesday 19th December – Christmas Disco 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm (£2 per ticket, please pay on Parent Pay)

Friday 22nd December – LAST DAY OF TERM! Also, school Christmas dinner and Reception class party day.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
