EYFS – Newsletter – 07.06.24

Our first week back from the holidays has been packed with fun as we kicked off our final Reception topic of Dinosaurs!

We have discussed what we already know about Dinosaurs and what we would like to know more about. The children have shared their favourite dinosaurs and we’ve begun discussing the habitats and diets of different dinosaurs. The children have taken advantage of lots of dino-themed activities around Reception this week, with dinosaur artworks, puzzles, egg-sharing and commerce in our dino-toy shop!

Maths this week has introduced the concept of division, by sharing objects equally. The children have been very engaged in activities that have given them chance to explore to concepts of sharing fairly through dividing up beanbags and woodland treasures. By engaging with this practically the children have been gaining a real concrete understanding of how numbers can be divided and whether a number can be divided equally or if there is a remainder. 

The children all continue to impress us with how they are working at their reading and writing skills. Through recapping the learned phonemes and rehearsing how to use their knowledge in reading more complex sentences and writing with greater independence, the children are growing in confidence and happily showing off their fantastic work!

On Wednesday, the children enjoyed a P.E. session practising some skills that will be needed for the games and races of our upcoming Sport’s Day. Parents and carers are invited to attend our Sport’s Day on Wednesday 19th June from 1pm to 3pm on the school field.

Also, this week  the Cookridge Poetry Slam has been announced and all children in school are invited to take part if they so wish. Children who wish to join in are asked to rehearse a poem of their choice (Mrs Koopman has put some suggestions on the website but any short poem or rhyme will do!). The children will perform in phases and the winners will be chosen to perform at the Cookridge Summer Fair in two week’s time. 

STOP THE PRESS!!! On Friday morning, Reception made a very exciting discovery in the playground. As we went outdoors to explore, we were met with a trail of destruction and muddy prints that led to the sandpit. In the sandpit we discovered a large egg! The children were quick to look for clues and started making some startling conclusions. As we went on a hunt through the grounds, the children were eagle-eyed in spotting further clues as we potentially trailed the mummy dinosaur that had left us her egg to look after. There were prints, scratches, broken branches and vegetation strewn about the place, which led the children to conclude we must be dealing with a herbivore. Upon finding Nigel and Donut happily roaming their enclosure the children were confident that we are not looking for a carnivorous dinosaur – which came as a relief to many who had been worrying! Mr Coulson kindly let us borrow some special gloves so that we could move the egg indoors, whilst he went to check if the school’s security cameras had caught any glimpses of the mystery intruder. Meanwhile, the some children got busy in making some brilliant posters to warn the rest of the school of our exciting discovery and any potential dangers and others got busy cleaning up the mess that had been left behind!




Dates for the diary:

Wednesday 19th June – 1pm – EYFS and KS1 Sports day.

Saturday 22nd June – Cookridge Summer Fair, 12pm-4pm.

Friday 19th July – Last day of Summer Term.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
