EYFS – Newsletter – 08.07.2022

What a brilliant week we’ve had in Reception! The sun has mostly shone on us and we have certainly made the most of it.

Maths this week found the children practising the concept of more or less and using numberlines. This was investigated through different activities, with one activity involving having the children vote on either/or questions and comparing the results. 

In Phonics, everyone enjoyed revisiting the familiar tale of Little Rabbit Foo Foo this week. Upon listening to the story, the children were grouped off to re-enact the story in their own way using props and costumes. Following this, the children all had an opportunity to refine their reading and writing skills which are becoming very impressive as the weeks go by!

P.E. on Tuesday gave the children a chance to practice events in advance of next week’s Sport’s Day. Much fun was had and the children are looking forward to the races on Monday.

On Tuesday, the children got invited to visit downstairs to the year 1 classrooms. This was a nice opportunity to see the setting and become familiar with some of the staff in advance of starting transition sessions in the last week of term. All the children were given a buddy from the current key stage 1 pupils to help them feel welcomed and help answer any questions. Everyone had fun are all excited to be moving on to year 1.

Wednesday, of course, found us off to Golden Acre Park for a little trip out. The children had a blast exploring the park and engaging in a number of different activities. Nature walks took in the scenery and we even got up close an personal with the local squirrels as we had taken nuts to feed them and tempt them from their trees. We also enjoyed some races and games on the lawn and had an ice cream each (with sauce and sprinkles!) before chilling out with some mindfulness meditation. 

We hope you all have a wonderful sunny weekend!


Monday 11/07: Sport’s Day – children to arrive in P.E. kit coloured kit, please.

Friday 15/07: Cookridge Summer Fayre starts 1:30pm – all welcome!


Below is the link to sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. 



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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
