EYFS Newsletter – 22/10/2021

What a good half term this has been!

The children have all settled really well and everyone has enjoyed our Traditional Tales topic.

In Phonics this week we have been learning about the sounds i,n,m and d. We searched for these letters in books, identified words using them as the initial sound and practised writing using our four letter starters. 

In Maths we have been looking at the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We investigated how to represent the number in different ways, practiced how to count objects carefully and accurately and also sung different rhymes to help use form the three numerals.

Around the classroom the children have enjoyed creating a forest for the wolf using hand prints and sponges, hosting picnics for Red Riding Hood and Grandma and suing toothbrushes to clean the wolf’s teeth!

In the first week back it will be forest schools on Thursday.

Have a lovely holiday!

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
