EYFS – Reception A/B – Newsletter 21.06.2019

This week has been full and fun-packed in Reception!

As part of our Location, Location, Location topic we all went on a walk around Cookridge to explore some of the local buildings and landmarks. The children loved pointing out things about the fire station, leisure centre and water tower among others. Despite tired legs, we all had fun and learned a lot about how these buildings are useful to people living in the area around school.

After finally getting a break in the rain, we took advantage and took ourselves outside to get nice and wet! Reception Class’s Car Wash was staffed by some amazing children who rinsed, scrubbed and polished the cars of some very trusting staff members! It was great fun as well, and the money earned will go to towards new things for our classroom.

On Thursday, Reception class were very  lucky to be invited to a whole-school science fair in the hall. Each class from school had produced a science experiment or activity to demonstrate their learning, and Reception children had a great time exploring the different exhibitions.

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