KS1 – Classes 1,2&3 – Forest School

Today Key Stage One have enjoyed exploring our Forest School area where they have been presented with a couple of activities to complete as well as imaginative play. Groups managed their own risk on the tree house whilst creating games which encouraged teamwork, resilience and problem solving. Children also enjoyed creating soups, cakes and pies in the mud kitchen, playing on the slack line and experimenting with the water in the tough tray. They were also challenged to whittle sticks, again keeping themselves safe whilst doing so, using gloves and a potato peeler. Some pupils used these whittled sticks to create games with like noughts and crosses or transformed them into magical wands! The final task was tree planting using gardening equipment, compost and some of the tree saplings we received from the Woodland Trust. 

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West Yorkshire
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0113 386 2500
