KS1 – Give It A Try Tuesday
Hello everyone! Here are some Tuesday challenges to try..
Challenge 1
There are 9 maths fluency questions to complete each day this week.
Maths Fluency – July Week 1
These are using skills that the children have already learnt throughout their time in year 1 and it would be beneficial for the children to be revisiting these skills little and often by completing the above questions.
Challenge 2
It’s Children’s Art Week and the theme is ‘Natural World’
So for today’s art challenge can you make something from things that are natural? You might use leaves, sticks, plants, flowers, etc.
What can you make?
Send your natural pictures to us at info@cookridge.leeds.sch.uk
Challenge 3

Which animals live under the sea?
Draw, label and colour a picture of what it looks like under the sea.
Who lives there? What grows there?
There are great sessions still being uploaded to these websites that will really keep your child’s education on track:
Oxford Owl is a fantastic website with lots of books for your child to read to you – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
There are also tasks and games on Purple Mash, Spelling Shed, Numbots and Phonics Play for your child to have a go at.
Want to hear one of our stories again? Here’s the link for our Youtube channel where you can hear all the stories.