KS1- Monday update
Good Morning KS1
Hope you enjoyed your weekend and if you celebrate Father’s day- we hope you you enjoyed time with the special people in your life.
This week the forecast looks like sunny weather so why not get learning outside and get creative.
Here are some creative learning ideas for getting outside. Pick and chose what works for you.

Below is a story called the Monster Surprise – you can read it online and then have ago at the attached activities.

Maths Activity Booklet
Maths Mosaics
Describe the Monster Worksheet
Ideas for Learning
Marshmallow Monsters
Roll and Draw Activity
Reading Log
Reading Comprehension

Well done to Jack, Max and Tyler for getting a LEXIA certificates this week. Please don’t forget to log on- who will get one this week?

Don’t forget the Year One/Two page has been updated with new activities and check daily for new posts.
Have a lovely week
From the KS1 team