KS1 – Newsletter – 11.06.2021

We hope you all had a lovely half term and made the most of the wonderful weather we had.

Our topic this half term is ‘The Seaside’ and the children are really looking forward to our seaside event in a couple of week. 

In English, Classes 1 and 2 have been looking at the story Dear Greenpeace. Class 1 have been writing letters based on this story and Class 2 have been learning facts about whales. Classes 3 and 4 have been reading short stories from the book SummerTime Stories and learning about expanded noun phrases. They have then been using this skill within short pieces of writing. 

In Maths, Class 1 have been focusing on subtraction, Class 2 have been solving arithmetic calculations to solve both multiplication and subtractions questions, Mrs Hoyle’s maths group have focused on telling the time in 5 minute intervals  and Mr Morgan’s maths group have focused on naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes. 

Science has been their favourite subject this week as they took part in ‘The Great British Dunk Off’. They performed simple tests to investigate how many times a biscuit could be dunked into a drink before it broke apart. They all thoroughly enjoyed it, getting excited when they biscuit fell apart. 
During computing they used 2Picture to create a seaside landscape and then labelled the human and physical features. 
Huge THANK YOU to everyone who has donated. We are over whelmed by the generous donations and offer of paddling pools. It will be a fantastic day for all. We will promise to share all the fun they are having.
Please remember to vote for the Green token event at Asda to win £500. This will enable us to buy more resources for Forest Schools.
Have a lovely weekend. It looks like it is going to be lovely and sunny.
Key Stage 1 Team 

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0113 386 2500
