KS1 – Newsletter – 13.11.20

It has been a week of Remembrance this week in Key Stage one.

In history, We have been thinking about Armistice day and helping the children to understand when it is, why we celebrate it and what we do to remember and show respect. We all designed a medal and created some poppy pictures.

Year 1 have linked their English this week with RE as they have been focusing on festivals. They have been learning and writing about Hanukkah and Diwali, looking at how they are celebrated. They shared photographs of a time that they were celebrating and shared with the class and in their writing what they did. On Thursday afternoon, they had a special time doing activities that showed how Diwali is celebrated.

Year 2 have been continuing their learning around Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. They have been using a timeline to answer questions about what happened, hot seating key characters from the story and writing a newspaper report recounting what happened.

In Maths Year one have been doing investigating different ways of representing numbers, using whole part models and inequality signs. Year 2 have been comparing numbers, through a variety of reasoning tasks.

Computing began at the beginning of the week in forest schools. We took the children to the garden where they created obstacle courses and followed string (with their eyes closed) through the trees. The children had to give clear instructions to their friends to get them around safely. This was an important skill as we began writing algorithm’s and recognising the need for accuracy. We thought about making a jam sandwich and all the steps necessary to make this effectively.

On Monday 16th November, year 2 will be having a Forest schools morning, please could you send your children in Forest school’s clothes.

On Tuesday 17th November, it is parent’s evening for Key Stage 1. Your child’s class teacher will ring you to discuss how your child has settled into class and how they are getting on. Please be aware this phone call will be a maximum of ten minutes as they will have more calls to make. If you have not made an appointment yet, please contact school asap.

On Tuesday 17th November, it is PPA day, so all children in Key Stage 1 will need to come to school in their PE kits. Thank you for your support in this.

If you have not completed the Flu vaccination form and returned it to school, please do so asap.

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0113 386 2500
