KS1 – Newsletter – 16.6.23

It’s certainly been a hot one in school this week, but lovely to see the sun. We were grateful for the lovely weather as we ventured over to Bridlington for a fabulous day out yesterday. The children had an amazing time enjoying the beach, lido and Lifeboat station. We also slipped in some geography looking at some of the human and physical features they could see that they would not have seen in Cookridge eg. the sea.

We were preparing for our trip to Bridlington in Year One English by writing a risk assessment to ensure that we were all safe! We then wrote a recount after our trip, recalling all the fun things we saw and did. We have also had a little focus on our Dad’s ahead of Father’s day, writing about why we love them and what we enjoy doing together. In Year Two, the children have been writing a descriptive narrative of Jack and the Beanstalk. Some from the perspective of Jack, some from the perspective of the giant and have been using expanded noun phrases to add description.

Year One have been exploring position in Maths this week. They have been focusing on left/ right, forwards/ backwards, and above/below. They have also been looking at making a turn clockwise and anti-clockwise, a quarter, half and whole turn. Year Two have begun some work on statistics. They have been making and using tally charts to record and retrieve data.

We completed a very interesting investigation in Science this week as part of ‘The Great Science share’. We looked at climate change and how humans are affecting the environment. We had bowls of water with sea creatures in. We then added oil to the water and noticed how it sits on the top. We then used things like cotton buds and large cotton pads to try and clean up the oil. We then put feathers into the water and watched what happened to them and discussed how this would affect a birds flight and ultimately what would happen to the bird.

Some of our children had a great trip to Ralph Thoresby on Monday to take part in a multi sports event with other schools. The children all had  great time, working as a team and participating in various sports. They were a credit to our school and had lots of fun together.

In RE, Year One have begun a topic on how we treat people. We read two books ‘Is that what friends do?’ and ‘Something else’. We thought about how the characters treated each other and how we should treat each other. In Year Two have begun learning about prayer. We learned that it is when people talk to God and listen to him. We thought about reasons people pray; worshipping God, thanking him for food etc.., asking him to help with something or asking for forgiveness.

The Year Ones had a treat again in Music this week as they got to hear Mrs Durrant playing her flute. They have continued their listening focus on the Carnival of the animals; this week looking at The Aviary, The Aquarium and the kangaroo. Year Two were learning the poem ‘Pease pudding hot’ and adding their own percussion sounds to it.

In Food Technology, the children have continued to make things that could be found on an afternoon tea. This week they have been making jam tarts. They practised weighing the ingredients, mixing by rubbing in, rolling and using a cutter. In Wood work technology, the children have continued making their bug hotels and have begun to join the pieces of wood together.

Art has provided a hunt in the garden this week playing deadly squibs! The children designed lizards, using colours, patterns and textures to camouflage them. They then hid them around the garden for the other children to find.

Key Dates:

The week after half term is week 2.


Please see timetables on class pages


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