KS1 – Newsletter – 17.07.23

We have had a fantastic week in our new classes, it really has been nice seeing the children settled and happy with their new teachers. You should all know which teacher your child has, if not please get in touch or ask on the gate.
The week has been based on a range of creative activities, team games, crafts and designing- lovely way to finish a successful year in KS1. Thank you for all your support, kind messages and gifts- they really are appreciated.
Your children have made us proud this year and we know they will succeed in their new classes in September.
Please enjoy your summer and make sure you change the settings on the school app to ensure you receive the correct notifications for your child’s new class in September.
Key dates
We return to school on 5/6/23
KS1– Meet the teacher- 2.45pm-8/9/23
KS1- Dress up day- What they want to be when they are older -9/9/23
KS1-Forest schools will begin in KS1 on 12/9/23
Enjoy your summer

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
