KS1 – Newsletter – 18.3.22

It’s been another great week in KS1, but one that has also brought a number of covid cases. Please look out for some of the key signs people are reporting – Headaches, cough, sore throat and temperatures. Please aim to do a test if you think your child is displaying any of these signs and continue to ensure good hygiene, washing hands regularly etc..

This week has been National Science week. The theme this year was on ‘Growth’. In Key Stage one, we did an experiment to look at how a rainbow could grow! We used Felt tips to colour each of the colours of the rainbow onto the bottom of a piece of paper towel. We then put this into water and watched how the colours spread up and across the paper towel. We also continued with our Science topic on materials. We looked at how we could change the shape of different objects and materials, but twisting, bending, squashing and stretching them. Mr Milson also wrote a phonics song, and played it on his guitar, to help the children to understand growth.

In English this week, Year 1 have enjoyed reading an Early Readers chapter book called ‘Three Little Pirates’. They have been doing role play of the story of Tammy, Trixy and Trig. They then recounted the story in their writing. Their writing has developed so much and they are beginning to writing using extended sentences. Year 2 have begun to look at ‘Peter Pan’. They have continued to use their knowledge of adjectives and expanded noun phrases, to plan and write a story based on Peter Pan. They have also been doing different reading comprehensions and are practising reading 90 words in 60 seconds. You could have a go and practise with them at home with their reading book.

In Maths, Year 1 worked on Pirate treasure challenges, with missing numbers and challenging addition and subtraction questions. They have also continued their work on length, linked to addition and subtraction. Year 2 have been looking at different forms of division. One group have been finding how many 2’s, 5’s and 10’s fit into a number, solving division word problems and using bar charts to solve division problems. The other group have been finding fractions of numbers using grouping and division skills.

In Geography, we were thinking about the Seven Continents and the five Ocean around the world. We used Atlases to look at where each of the continents and Oceans appear in the world. We identified them on the map and labelled them on our sheets. We were also able to recognise which continent we live on and where other countries were.

In Art, the children continued their work in the art studio on their water colour fish in their sketch books. This week, they added water to their fish and began to add more colours.

In Music, the children were doing some body percussion. They developed a new body percussion routine for ‘A sky full of stars’. They added music, using a variety of instruments, to a pirate story and continued learning a pirate song and old Irish folk song called ‘Rattlin’ Bog’ – identifying which parts were the verses and choruses. You can practise these at home by going on YouTube and going to ‘Mrs durrant rhymes with currant’ channel. Enjoy!

In RE, both Year 1 and 2 were learning about Lent. They heard about some of the significant days during Lent such as Ash Wednesday and learnt about how Christians often choose to give up certain foods during the Lent period. They also looked at some of the similarities and differences between Lent and the Muslim festival of Ramadan.

Remember, you can decorate an egg (Children and parents!) and send them into school to potentially win an Easter prize. Have a look at the post on the website.

Dates for your diary:

30.4.22-1.4.22 – Bring in your Easter egg entry

22.3.22 – Year One trip to the library

25.3.22 – Year Two trip to the library


1.4.22 – Break up for Easter

19.4.22 – Training day

20.4.22 – Return to school

New date to be confirmed soon – Trip to Cannon Hall Farm 

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
