KS1 – Newsletter – 2.7.21

It’s been a very quiet week in Key stage one without year 2. We can’t wait to see you back next week. Have a look at some of the work Year 2 have been doing in their home learning.


Year one have been working hard all week. Although our beach day was postponed on Monday, we still got to play in the sand. We did our Science lesson in the big sand pit and  used a variety of buckets and spades to try and make the best sandcastles. We talked about the properties of the sand and the fact it needed to be wet to be able to make a sandcastle that would stick together well and form the shape of the bucket.

We also had a fabulous time during our forest schools, where we were able to explore our whole forest schools area.

In English we have been reading ‘Billy’s bucket’. We thought about what we would like to find in our buckets and drew and labelled pictures of them. We then wrote sentences about what we would like in our buckets. Class 1 were focusing on suffix endings -er, -ed and –ing. Class 2’s focus was using adjectives to describe what was in the bucket and using the conjunction ‘and’ to join two sentences together.

In Maths Class one have been learning about times tables through arrays. They have been looking at different arrays and thinking about how many are in each row and how many rows there are. They then began to represent given times tables by drawing their own arrays. In Class 2 they have begun to learn about fractions. They have learnt about halves and quarters and what they look like in a shape. They have been identifying when a shape has a half or a quarter coloured in and we have been able to colour in a quarter or half of a shape as directed.

We have continued with our computing carousel, learning about animations. We have now all had the opportunity to make a flip book, order pictures from stories and make an animation on Purplemash.

We have been getting ready for Sports day in our PE lessons. We have been practising the different skills we need for each race and also how to line up and pass equipment on to our team mates for relay races.

Have a brilliant weekend everyone, stay safe and well.


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