KS1 Newsletter – 20.3.20
It has been a strange and an uncertain week for us all, but as usual your children are amazing and have coped really well.
Learning has continued with use focusing on fractions in year 2. We have been finding the fractions of a number, using bar models and sharing amounts equally. We have been using role play and word problems to solve a variety of problems. In year 1
In English we have all been focusing on rhymes. we have read rhyming books and poems and have been practising finding words that rhyme. We have written Pirate poems with lots of silly rhymes such as ‘Pirate Pete has smelly feet’ and we have also written some acrostic poems about Pirates and treasure.
We have linked history with our ICT and have been researching about Captain Blackbeard. We have been learning how to open word, type, change the font, the size and the colour of the text. We have learnt how to insert a picture and then save the file. This is a LOT when you are a beginner, but the children have done really well with each of these skills.
In Science, we have been focusing on materials that are waterproof and not waterproof. We made pirates and put them into pots. We then covered them with a variety of materials, before setting them to sail on a stormy sea. After they’d had water sloshed over them and they’d been battered about on the waves, we had a look to see which pirates remained dry and therefore which materials were the most waterproof.
In RE Year 2 have been looking at how Muslims pray. They learnt about their prayer ritual ‘Wudu’, the fact that they use a prayer mat and always face in the same direction and why and that they try to pray five times a day. Year one were focusing on belonging and what it is like to belong in a church.
In Class 3 Spike has been out and about this weekend, getting up close and personal with the different members of their class by sitting on their heads!
On our school website, you will find lots of resources that will help to keep your children occupied over the coming weeks. There are lots of links to websites where you can play Maths and English games and there are lots of resources for reading, Maths and other subjects on there too. We hope that you can enjoy having some learning time together, but also some fun and active things too.
Maybe you would like to join with us to draw, paint or stick a picture of a rainbow and put it in your window at home. Then as children go for walks around the area to get fresh air, they can look out for rainbows to make them smile. We are Home Superheroes, looking after each other.
Happy Mother’s day to all you Mummy’s out there, have a special day together on Friday and we hope you love your cards.
We will miss your children and are sad to be saying goodbye to them so early in the year. Obviously, we wait as you do, to see what develops and will keep following the guidelines set by the government as they emerge. Please stay safe, stay away from big groups where possible and continue to wash your hands.