KS1 – Newsletter – 23.9.22

We are really getting into the full swing of things this week and the children in Key Stage One have all been working really hard.

*Changes to PE timetable*. Due to a clash in timetables, we are having to change when some of the PE lessons happen. From now on:

Week 1. Class 1 and 2 – Monday. Class 3 – Wednesday.

Week 2. Class 1 – Thursday. Class 2 and 3 Friday.

Also, please note the change to the timing of the phonics workshop – It will now take place from 2.30pm

In English week, we have begun to introduce the ‘Funny bones’ series of books. We read the initial ‘Funny bones’ book and wrote our own version of ‘The dark dark house’ paragraph. We spent some time making puppets and doing a shadow puppet show telling the story. In year one, the children labelled parts of the body and we all used the text to do a phoneme spotter exercise.

In Maths, Year one have been practising lots of counting. They have continued to represent numbers using a variety of apparatus and have been thinking about the number that comes before and the number that comes after. Year 2 have been focusing on place value and portioning numbers. They have been using part part whole models and understanding how the separate a two digit number.

In Geography, we have been looking at where England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are on a map and naming and labelling their capital cities.

In PSHE, Year one have been looking at things that are the same and different about each other. They have discussed what makes us unique and special. In Year two, they began to look at friendships. They were focusing on what a friend is and what attributes make a good friend.

We have been looking at different ways of working scientifically in Science. This week, we were looking at how to categorise. We discussed lots of different objects and animals and thought about similarities and differences, eg one is alive, the other is not. One can move by itself the other cannot. One could be a pet, the other could not. We then looked at how many legs the animals had and sorted them into those that have four legs and those that do not.

Reminder: If you have a photograph of your child (preferably 6 X4) doing something that they are really good at, please send them into school. We want to have them black and white and put in frames on a board in the classroom to celebrate who they are.

Key Dates:

Next week is week 1.

PE Kits needed for class 1 and 2 on Monday and class 3 on Wednesday.

26.9.22 – KS1 Phonics/ Reading workshop 2.30pm. Please come to the hall entrance.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
