KS1 – Newsletter – 28.4.23

What a great week we’ve all had in Key Stage one this week. We’d like to say goodbye and Good Luck to Mr Harskin, one of our student teachers, as he moves on today.

Year One are really beginning to enjoy reading ‘The Enchanted wood’ and finding out about the adventures the children have up the Faraway tree. They begin the week making dioramas creating different worlds and talking about what would happen there and why. They then moved on to writing about these worlds using descriptive language and then thought about the characters who may live there and what they are like. Year Two have begun writing a non-chronological report supporting our topic about plants. They have been focusing on punctuation and how to get the information across to the reader in the best way.

In Maths, Year One have continued to count in tens and have begun counting in fives. They have been focusing on the number patterns, (eg what will be at the end of each number – 5 or a 0 if counting in fives) and using this knowledge to develop their reasoning skills solving number problems. Year Two, have been learning how to tell the time. They have been using analogue clocks, to show o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. This is a skill that the children could be practising at home, so why not see if they can tell you what time it is!

In food technology this week, the children have been designing their own sandwiches. They have been practising the skill of spreading and have used cutters to create fun shapes. In wood work technology, the children have begun to design bug hotels, that they will eventually be making out of wood. They have been thinking about shape, size and what it will look like inside.

We have been getting ready for the King’s coronation in both Art and Music this week. In Art the children have been designing a throne for King Charles or Queen Camilla, thinking about how to make them special and unique.

In Music, both Year groups have been practising the song ‘Coronation Rock’, written by our very own Mrs Durrant There is a link on the website, check it out and get rocking for the King together!. Year One then explored rhythm and created rhythm patterns using lego blocks and Year two wrote their own rhythms using staff notation.

In RE this week, we loved hearing about all the Eid celebrations from the end of last week. The children spoke with great enthusiasm and they clearly had a lovely time. We then started our new topics. Year One were thinking about their favourite places and what makes them special and began to look at why churches and mosques are important to people of faith. In Year Two, we began looking at rules. We thought about what rules to children have to follow in school and why. We thought about what would happen if there were no rules. We then looked at the Ten Commandments from The Bible, why God gave them and the children gave their opinions on whether they thought they were good rules or not.

We have continued with our gardeners world topic in Science. This week we were looking at trees. The children were learning the terms deciduous and evergreen and the difference between these types of trees. Then the children worked in groups to categorise different leaves from deciduous and evergreen trees. We noticed the difference in colours, size, shape and texture. We then went out on a hunt around the school ground spotting which trees are evergreen and which are deciduous. They were also able to identify things like elder and holly from the pictures.

Key Dates:

The week after the holiday is week 2.

PE Kits needed for class 1 on Thursday and Classes 2 + 3 on Friday

May – SAT’s. Although the children have to complete these tests, we want them to be as relaxed as possible.

24th May – 2.45pm – Year 1 phonics screening meeting for parents

15th June – Trip to Bridlington

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
