KS1 – Newsletter – 4.11.22

Welcome back! We hope that you have all had a fantastic week off.

We started the week with a forest schools stimulus to set us off on our English and History topics. We had a story around the fire pit and learnt the reasons behind why we celebrate Bonfire night.

Over the course of the week, we have read and watched different versions of what happened in the Gunpowder plot. We have been learning the names of some of those involved, including Guy Fawkes and Robert Catesby. Year 1, thought about what resources Guy Fawkes needed and wrote sentences about these. They also used pictures to order and retell the story. Year 2 thought about the plot from Guy Fawkes position. They did a cold write, to record a recount in the first person.

In Maths, year one have begun addition, using part, part whole models and bar models. They have learnt how we can look at one part, add on the other part and make the whole. We have launched a new initiative in school called ‘Barvember’ where the children practise using a bar model to answer a word problem. In Year two, they have been doing consolidation of various skills. One groups practising counting in two’s, five’s and ten’s and the other group consolidating their knowledge of number bonds.

In DT, the children are still working in two groups. One group were reviewing their food choices and preparations from last half term. They then began to design what they would like to put in a pitta pocket and what equipment they would need. In the other group, having designed candles, they began to make a model to actually make their candle.

In RE, year one began looking at festivals. This week, they looked at festivals in the Christian faith. They learnt about Harvest, Advent, Christmas and Easter and how they are celebrated. Year two began looking at how we welcome babies. This week they thought about what babies need and what people in general do to welcome babies, such as taking them presents and going to visit them. They also learnt about naming ceremonies and found out what their name means.

The children were learning how to play percussion instruments in Music this week. They learnt how to keep time and play on the beat. They also used scarves to move along to music and feel the rhythm.

In computing, we learnt the phrase ‘digital technology’ and what they means. We thought about all kinds of different items and whether they were digital technology or not. We then categorised them in our books and spotted other things around our classroom, explaining how we knew they were digital technology.

Finally, in Science, we were looking at the fact that humans are classed as mammals and why. We were observing different parts of our body and how they move. We then labelled a body to show what each part is.

As part of the Into film festival, we are able to take all the children to various cinemas to see different and age appropriate films. Your child has already been selected for a showing and will be taken at different times and on different days depending on the showing they are going to see.

As we are using a mixture of public transport, private coaches and the school minibus we are asking that each child pays a minimum of £2 to help towards these costs.  If you are able and would like to donate more than £2,  that would also be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Brosnan on susan.brosnan@cookridgeprimaryschool.org.uk

Helpful link of resources and advice. Click on the link below:


Key Dates:

Next week is week 2.

Forest schools on Monday – Please wear appropriate warm clothing

PE Kits needed for class 1 on Thursday and Classes 2 + 3 on Friday



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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
