KS1 – Newsletter – 6.1.23

Happy New Year everyone! We hope that you all had a fabulous, fun filled break. It has been lovely having all the children back in school and hearing about the exciting things you have been doing and the presents they all received.

Our new homework grid is now available. Please remember, these are all optional , but the children will receive team points for any work completed. Click on the link below if you need the sheet again.

Spring 1 homework 2023

We have begun our new topic on The Great Fire of London this week.. Therefore, history is weaved through everything we have been doing. We have all used the ‘Now Press Play’ headphones to listen to the story of the Great Fire of London and immersed ourselves into what happened.

We have used different videos and books in our English lessons to get us started. Year One have been reading ‘Vlad and the Great fire of London’ and Year two have been reading ‘The Great fire of London: Unclassified’.Year One have been exploring what people would have seen, heard and smelled while the fire was raging and have been writing sentences about this. Year two have been focusing on the past and present tense, looking at how verbs change and how to consistently write in the correct tense.

In Maths, the children have been blowing our socks off. Year one have been focusing on addition and Number in words. They have been developing their skills of using a numberline and also their mental maths to add two numbers together. In Year two, the children have been learning about borrowing, using tens and ones practically and in pictoral form to answer questions.

We have used our topic to support our computing this week, creating an animation on PurpleMash. The children used the program 2Animate to create scenes from The Great Fire of London, to show what happened as the buildings began to catch fire.

In science, we have begun to look at the Seasons. We discussed what the four seasons are and what months fall into those seasons. We then looked at the different characteristics of the seasons and the weather we may expect. For example, leaves change colour and fall in the Autumn, It is cold and sometimes snows in the winter etc..

Year One have all brought home book marks this week with words that use the sounds we have been practising in phonics this week and will be learning in phonics next week. Please practise reading them with your child and help them to have a go and spelling them. Every other week we will send spellings home and the following week, we will do an informal test on ten of the words.

We will be creating houses for The Great Fire of London next week, so please send in any boxes you do not need eg. Cereal boxes. Feel free to flat pack them before bringing them in. Thanks in advance. Thank you too for all the socks you have sent in. We now have plenty to create our rat puppets.

Key Dates:

Next week is week 1.

PE Kits needed for Monday.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
