KS1 – Newsletter – 6.11.20

Welcome back everyone! It has been fantastic to see all the children this week and hear about you have been doing over half term.

We are really impressed with what the children are achieving at the moment inspite of everything that has been going on and are continuing to work them hard!

This week we have been looking at some significant times in history, learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gun powder plot. Year 2 have been reading ‘The Gunpowder plot’ book and acting out Guy Fawkes and Robert Catesby’s plan. We have been using this for the basis of our ‘RIC’s – the reading Comprehension and for writing a recount of what happened from Guy Fawkes’ point of view.  Year 1 have also been reading ‘What’s in the witches kitchen?’ They dressed up and decided on all kind of horrible things to put into their witches cooking pot.

In Maths, Year one have been focusing on one more and one less than a number, continuing to count forwards and backwards. In Year 2 they have been comparing numbers and groups of objects, using greater, less than and equal to vocabulary and the signs < > =.

In PE, the children are doing a unit on gymnastics. They have had all the gymnastic equipment in the hall and have been learning how to move around safely and how to find different ways of travelling across and around the equipment.

Our Music lesson focused around bonfire night. We were looking at onomatopoeic words such as ‘bang….whizz…crackle….’ and made some sound story maps using words to describe all the sounds we hear when we go to a bonfire.

As we will not have art next week, the focus was around Remembrance day. The children all traced pictures of soldiers and cut them out. They also drew around their hand on red card to form the petals of a poppy. This was all put together to form a picture of remembrance which is displayed in each classroom.

In RE Year one have begun to look at festivals. They began by learning that Christians celebrate The Harvest, Christmas and Easter and began to look at the ways in which these are celebrated. Year 2 heard stories from Islam, Christianity and no faith which all have a moral and were discussing what we can learn from these stories.

We are aware that collective bonfires will not be able to happen in the community this year, but here at Cookridge, we don’t want the children to miss out! We had a great time together around the fire pit, making popcorn and dramatizing the story of the gunpowder plot and enjoying the fire together.

If any Year 1 children have photographs of them celebrating, for example at a birthday, wedding, Christmas, Eid etc.. please could you send them in to school or e mail the Key Stage 1 team asap. Thank you and have a great weekend!

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