KS1 – Newsletter – 6.9.19

Welcome back! It has been an exciting week at Cookridge Primary, welcoming the children into their new classes. 

Each of the classes have spent the week getting to know each other and exploring their new classrooms. 

During English we have been sharing the book ‘You Choose, you dream’ and watched a video of ‘My Bubble Dream’. We have imagined where a bubble might take us and what things might happen to us in our dreams. We have been doing role play activities, drawing our dream destinations and have been writing about what we would see there.

In Maths, Year 1 have been counting to and across one hundred. They were making different numbers using mathematical equipment and sorting objects into groups. Year 2, have been working on their place value skills, understanding the value of the tens and ones columns. They have have been making 2 digit numbers with base 10 and enjoying various maths games.


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