KS1 – Newsletter – 8.12.23

There’s a lovely Christmassy feel around school now as we all start getting ready for our Christmas productions. Our Christmas play has been coming along nicely. The children are singing their hearts out, learning the actions and getting good at knowing when they speak. We can’t wait for you all to come and see the show next week!

We have had great fun working along side the elves in English. They began the week by labelling a picture of Cookie and Marshmallow and the wrote sentences to describe them. Year One have been looking at Christmas lists and working out which is the correct spelling. They have also been writing a letter to Santa, telling him what they have done to deserve their presents and what presents they would like. In phonics the focus has been on the digraph /ir/ as in girl. Year two have been using the Airport book and having debates. They have been thinking about whether the airport should expand to make a bigger runway for Santa. They have thought about all the pros and cons of this. Their phonic focus this week has been on /il/ and /al/.

Year one have begun looking at shape in Maths this week. Firstly, we have been looking at 2D shape. We have made sure we know their names and can identify them. We have also been looking at their properties and seeing if we can guess the shapes just by listening to the properties. In Year two One group have been doing investigations. They have been trying to work out the missing numbers that could go into the two digit number problems. The other group have continued practising their addition skills.

In history we have been looking back at our own lives. We have been thinking about what major events have happened in our life time and have put them on a timeline in chronological. We have recognised the importance of ordering the dates according to when they happened and that only major events like starting school would go on the time line.

In Science, we have continued to explore materials. This week, we conducted an experiment on behalf of Mrs Hunter. She keeps getting wet in this very rainy Cookridge and she needed a better, water resistant coat. We tried out a few different materials and thought about whether they would be flexible and comfortable to wear. We then poured water onto them to see if they would be water resistant or absorbent. We found that plastic was the best option.

The children have been writing about the United Kingdom in Geography. Firstly they wrote about which countries make up the United Kingdom. They then wrote about the capital cities and drew each of the flags.

The children have continued to learn about Advent in RE. This time they were looking at how the church celebrates advent using Advent wreaths and lighting candles and having Christingle services.

In PSHE Year One began to think about having a healthy mind set. We talked about positive things to say about ourselves like ‘I’m doing great’ and ‘I won’t give up’ etc.. and ones that are negative and unhelpful to us like ‘I can’t do it’ or ‘I’m no good’. Year two were thinking about acts of kindness. They discussed what things make them happy and how they could make other people happy. They also thought about random acts of kindness and what they could do to make someone else smile without expecting something in return.

Next week is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Thurs 14th Dec- KS1 Christmas performance- Parents-(2 family members only please) 2.30 pm

Fri 15th Dec- KS1 Singing at ASDA- 9.45 am-10.45 am

Mon 18th Dec-KS1 Care Home event at school- Grandparents welcome-10am-11am

Fri 22nd Dec- Break up

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
