LKS2 – Class 5 – this week so far…
Happy Wednesday everyone! We’re only halfway through the week, and I’ve already received so many photos and updates about all the work Class 5 have been doing. The photos put the biggest smile on my face, so keep them coming!
Jonah has been creating some wonderful things, including a Lego pyramid and a very yummy looking cake. I hope it tasted as good as it looks!

Emily has been working hard on her fractions, and has been using fraction tiles to help her. Great idea, Emily!

George has done some amazing Viking work. He has found out some facts, including that Viking children didn’t go to school – a bit like us at the moment! He’s also written an exciting story and created a Viking longboat.

Finally, Sam and Max have completed the garden shape challenge. Well done, boys!

A massive thank you to all of you for your brilliant work, and everyone else who is working hard at home as well. Remember to keep letting us know what you’re up to by emailing pictures to
Stay safe and keep smiling!
Miss Evans 🙂