LKS2 Grasslands Farm Trip – Class 4, 6 & 7 – Final details

Good afternoon,

Tomorrow is the Year 3 trip to Grasslands Farm. The weather is supposed to be sunny and warm, so it is important children come in adequate clothing and with water. In addition to this, children should bring a spare pair of shoes and wear Forest School clothing. 

The children will be embracing all aspects of farm life, so their clothing needs to be suitable for getting dirty. 

Children will be departing school at 9:15am and will return at 2:45pm for usual end of the day procedures. The children will need to bring a packed lunch, unless they are eligible for free school meals, in which case a school packed lunch will be provided. Please check with the office if you are unsure.  

The cost of the trip is £5.00 (£2.50 pupil premium), this is currently available to pay via Parent Pay. This will cover the cost of the transport to and from the farm. Thank you to everyone who has already paid.

Grasslands farm are very excited to have us and are looking forward to an education and insightful day.

Miss Barnicoat 


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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500