LKS2 – Newsletter – 12/07/19
Another jam-packed week in LKS2 completed! We had such an amazing day on Tuesday, when a Roman came to visit, he told us all about what it would have been like to be a soldier in the Roman army. It was really interesting to see all of the armour and weapons they used, then in the afternoon we had a battle with shields and spears!
In English, we have built on our predictions from last week, and created our own stories detailing the events of a great battle between the Romans and the Picts. Using our editing skills, we then put the finishing touches to our stories before sharing these around the fire pit.
In Maths we have all been investigating statistics, collecting data and presenting these in bar charts, line graphs and pictograms. It was a little tricky at first to interpret the data to solve tricky reasoning problems, but by the end of the week we were experts!
In Science we explored if seed dispersal is effected by the amount of seeds in a pod, we thoroughly enjoyed creating this experiment and getting the playground a little messy! We then used our maths skills to measure and create a line graph to present our findings.
Dates for your diary:
Sports day – Tuesday 23rd July